3.0.0-alpha - ci-build Norway flag

Publication Build: This will be filled in by the publication tooling


Official URL: http://hl7.no/fhir/ImplementationGuide/hl7.fhir.no.basis Version: 3.0.0-alpha
Active as of 2023-06-13 Computable Name: NoBasis


Version 3.0.0-alpha
Publish date 2023-04-28
IG namespace http://hl7.no/fhir/ImplementationGuide/no-basis-ImplementationGuide-v300-a
Latest package definition https://simplifier.net/packages/hl7.fhir.no.basis/3.0.0-alpha
Last bugfix 2023-04-28

The Norwegian base profiles (no-basis) are developed by HL7 Norway and The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth in cooperation with the industry. The profiles are use-case independent and have several purposes:

  • Can be used directly in use cases where the use-case don’t need additional information or restrictions
  • Can be used as base for further profiling in use-cases where additional specification of the content is needed (national profiles). In this case the base profiles should be used as a base for national profiles developed by the user
  • Can be used as inspiration for use-case specific profiling

The basis profiles are open, in effect it does not add any restrictions to the information content beyond what is necessary to apply FHIR resources in Norwegian context. The base profiles typically defines necessary identifiers and coding commonly used in Norway.

The model depicted below visualizes the role of Norwegian base profiles.

  • The top level are the FHIR resources as defined by HL7 International.
  • The Norwegian base profiles describes the minimum restrictions necessary to use HL7 FHIR in Norwegian context independent of use-case.
  • The national domain profiles specifies any reuseable patterns within a given use-case. This can for example be what information elements in Patient should be supported when exchanging patient data, or how Medication.dosage should be descried in an integration between an EHR and a charting system.
  • The implemented profiles represents the implemented FHIR resources implemented in a given clinial application.
