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Resource Profile: DerivedAppointment - Mappings

Draft as of 2023-10-12

Mappings for the derived-Appointment resource profile.

Mappings for Workflow Pattern (http://hl7.org/fhir/workflow)

   participantRequest.performer, Request.subject

Mappings for RIM Mapping (http://hl7.org/v3)

AppointmentEntity. Role, or Act, Act[@moodCode <= 'INT']
   metan/a, N/A
   textn/a, N/A, Act.text?
   containedEntity. Role, or Act, N/A
   extensionn/a, N/A
   extension (virtualService)n/a, N/A
   extension (group)n/a, N/A
   extension (partOf)n/a, N/A
   modifierExtensionn/a, N/A
   identifiern/a, II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT], .id
   statusn/a, .statusCode
   cancelationReasonn/a, CD
   serviceCategoryn/a, CD, n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation
   serviceTypen/a, CD, n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation
   specialtyn/a, CD, .performer.AssignedPerson.code
   appointmentTypen/a, CD, .code
      extensionn/a, N/A
      codingn/a, CV, union(., ./translation)
      coding (omsorgsNiva)n/a, CV, union(., ./translation)
      coding (kontaktType)n/a, CV, union(., ./translation)
      coding (innbygger)n/a, CV, union(., ./translation)
      textn/a, ./originalText[mediaType/code="text/plain"]/data
   reasonCoden/a, CD, .reasonCode
   reasonReferencen/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), .inboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'RSON'].observation
   priorityn/a, .priorityCode
   descriptionn/a, .text
   supportingInformationn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), .inboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'SPRT'].observation
   startn/a, .effectiveTime.low
   endn/a, .effectiveTime.high
   minutesDurationn/a, .activityTime[@xsi:type = ('SXPR_TS', 'PIVL_TS')].width
   slotn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), .outboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'REFR'].act[@classCode = 'ACT'][@moodCode = 'SLOT']
   createdn/a, .author.time
   commentn/a, .subjectOf.observation[@moodCode = 'EVN'][code = 'annotation'].value
   patientInstructionn/a, .subjectOf.observation[@moodCode = 'EVN'][code = 'annotation'].value
   basedOnn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), .outboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'FLFS'].act[@classCode < 'ActCareProvisionRequestType'][@moodCode = 'RQO']
   participantn/a, performer | reusableDevice | subject | location
      extensionn/a, N/A
      modifierExtensionn/a, N/A
      typen/a, CD, (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).@typeCode
      actorn/a, The target of a resource reference is a RIM entry point (Act, Role, or Entity), performer.person | reusableDevice.manufacturedDevice | subject.patient | location.serviceDeliveryLocation
      requiredn/a, (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).@performInd
      statusn/a, (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).statusCode
      periodn/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"]
   requestedPeriodn/a, IVL<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"] or URG<TS>[lowClosed="true" and highClosed="true"], .activityTime[@xsi:type = ('SXPR_TS', 'PIVL_TS')]

Mappings for iCalendar (http://ietf.org/rfc/2445)

   minutesDurationDURATION (e.g. PT15M)
   commentDESCRIPTION (for internal use)
   patientInstructionDESCRIPTION (for patient use)
   participantATTENDEE component to be created
      actorATTENDEE: (Need to provide the common name CN and also the MAILTO properties from the practitioner resource) where the participant type is not "information-only"
      requiredROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT (roleparam)
      statusATTENDEE;CN="John Doe";RSVP=TRUE:mailto:john@doe.com (rsvpparam | partstatparam)

Mappings for FiveWs Pattern Mapping (http://hl7.org/fhir/fivews)


Mappings for HL7 v2 Mapping (http://hl7.org/v2)

   identifierCX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL), SCH-1, SCH-2, ARQ-1, ARQ-2
   appointmentTypeCE/CNE/CWE, ARQ-7
      codingCE/CNE/CWE subset one of the sets of component 1-3 or 4-6, C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22
      coding (omsorgsNiva)CE/CNE/CWE subset one of the sets of component 1-3 or 4-6, C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22
      coding (kontaktType)CE/CNE/CWE subset one of the sets of component 1-3 or 4-6, C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22
      coding (innbygger)CE/CNE/CWE subset one of the sets of component 1-3 or 4-6, C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22
      textC*E.9. But note many systems use C*E.2 for this
   reasonCodeCE/CNE/CWE, AIS-3, SCH-7
   priorityARQ-12, SCH-11.6 / TQ1-9
   startARQ-11.1, SCH-11.4 / TQ1-7
   endSCH-11.5 / TQ1-8/ calculated based on the start and the duration which is in ARQ-9
   participantPID, AIP, AIG, AIL
      typeCE/CNE/CWE, AIP-4, AIG-4
      actorPID-3-Patient ID List | AIL-3 | AIG-3 | AIP-3
      statusAIP-12, AIG-14
   requestedPeriodDR, ARQ-11